Need Advise!! Mixing clowns in a 240!


I have a maroon clown/condi anemone in my 90 gal. and a pair of Ocellaris Clowns in another tank and will be combining the tanks this week into my new 240. my question is should I take a chance and introduce them all to the 240 at the same time or should I find a new home for the maroon and not take any chances? thanks for any advise.


I know that the maroons are most aggressive but I think in that size tank, they would do ok. My guess is they will just pick their own sides. They have enough room to establish their territories. I would just monitor them closely for a while.


Active Member
If it was anything but a maroon I`d say it should be ok . I have mixed many clowns and no matter what size tank the maroon with cause problems .