need advise


New Member
I am at a loss as to what my next step should be. I had a major tank crash back in July. Lost everything- corals, inverts- but some fish. I do not know what caused the intial crash, but an anenome melted and caused everything to die. I have a 100 gal tank, 30 gal sump, lil beckett skimmer, 3 various pumps circulating water in tank. Amonia, Nitrite, ph, Alk, all where they should be. Nitrate @ 10, cal. @ 450. I have a couple fether dusters, shrooms, and brain in the tank( added over the last 2 months). It took about 5 months before any snails would live. I have tried several other corals but they don't make it (xenia, frogspawn, leathers,). My latest addition was 3 zoa colonies. They closed up within 2 days, so I moved them to my seahorse tank untill I can figure out what is still going on in my 100 gal. There is almost no coraline on the live rock (apporx. 200 lbs.). Could there be something leaching from the live rock? I do not knwo what else to try. I have taken samples to 3 diferent lfs and everything tests fine. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as my hubby is getting pretty tired of watching our money die away.


Active Member
Something electrical maybe, or something leaching from the rock.....Was the tank treated with copper or malachite?
Can you pinpoint any changes you made in equipment or inhabitants just before the crash?
I'm quite sorry to hear of the loss. I had a similar episode last fall, but was able to trace it back to some bad advice/additive to the tank. I started over with everything. Only thing that is the same is the hardware.


New Member
Not eletrical. I have wondered also if something is leaching from the rock, but what. Since I have no clue what caused this chain reaction, I do not know what else to look for. Can't be copper or I would have no inverts living, correct? Can I take out all the live rock and bleach it? if so how long before I can put it back in my tank, and do I put it in a tub of saltwater with aeriation to cure it? Should I clean out all the live rock rubble in my sump? I also have the ceramic bio balls (actually squares) at the bottom of the sump. I once had a beautiful reef tank, and I would like to have one again, but not at the expense of killing anymore corals.