need alittle help with set up, selection, feeding


ive had my 55 tank set up for about a year now had it as a community but ich got me and im letting tank sit for a month and just throwing in some food to feed the star and cleaner shrimp thats in there and keep the biofilter going. im gonna get rid of these once i find my new fish. i am thinking of getting a valentini puffer, a dwarf lion, and possibly a snowflake eel. my rock that i have is set up in two piles a mound and one in a cave but is not closed in the back do eels need an enclosed cave to live in? if i dont decide to go with a eel i was wondering what choices of fish do i have. also what foods are usually fed to puffer, lion, and eel? is it just chopped seafoods or can ifeed frozen formula foods? thanks for any suggestions im still a few weeks off from getting anything and still alot of searching to go anyone has some good websites to go to that they can suggest also would be helpful thanks


Active Member
That sounds like a pretty good combo. If you are going to do a dwarf puffer, I'd suggest a species other than valentini. They are notorious for nipping fins, and while dwarf lions don't have the same flowing fins as a volitan, they could still be nipped. Eels will benefit from rockwork, and pvc pipe secured at the bottom of the tank. Feed frozen clam, silversides, shrimp, krill, prime reef, predator formula, etc. Any meaty food will be eagerly accepted. Bo


if i left out the lion or left out the eel could i put in a small trigger of some type possibly picasso for a year or two or would it grow too fast and become too aggressive in only a 55gal within a year or two
I have both a snowflake eel and a volitan lion. I feed a chopped up frozen mix of scallops, shrimp, squid and codfish, with garlic oil tossed in. I freeze it is 1/8 inch thick slabs in ziplock bags. Chunk off a few pieces, let it thaw and toss it in the tank. All the fish love it and it is super cheap this way.
I have very open rockwork, no closed in caves and the eel is perfectly happy. The lion fish hangs upside down on one of the sides of the rock most of the day. There is NO competition for food with them.
Btw, I am in Louisiana as well, where are you from?