Need all of the experts to take a look


Okay...just need the experts to classify this anemone...I know it is in poor health. I just want to know exactly what type it is because I am going to argue with lfs who told me it was a Ritteri Anemone


Active Member
It looks lie an LTA to me but Thomas is the real expert here.Maybe he will see this and chime in.


Active Member
Ritteri is a common name used for the Heteractis magnifica
You can search that name but I think yuors is one. Just as said, very bleached. Means its lost alot of the zooxanthellae that depends on good lighting.
Their column should be a very 'bright' color, either red, purple, green ect.
The tips should be like tiny bubbles, not like a BTA though.
Heres some healthy ones. HTH



Thanks...I went to lfs and he said it looks like it needs more light...the anemone settled on bottom of tank. I have 250 MH on tank but it is a deep tank...the light is 28 inches from anemone...I wish he would move to better location if he is too far away...any suggestions?


Active Member
I am POSITIVE that that is a LTA (long tentacle anemone). If you look where the tentacles meet the base, you can see those really thin lines, or stripes. That makes it a LTA.
~Adam :happyfish


I had a Ritteri and they are very hard to keep. That does not look like a Ritteri. More like a LTA.


Yeah, I am just glad it isn't a Haitian or Florida is starting to get color but I wish it would move up...I have the MH on for 8 hours...that is enough time right?

kelly shaw

i have read that in tanks up to about 30 inches deep you only need 175watts of mh lighting. so you should be good with 250 watts on him. after he is healthy again he is will be beutiful.