need an sps id


Active Member
I got this a few weeks back but still dont know the real name of this. So if anyone does please let me know.



Active Member
ya its tri color, people have said tri color can mean a bunch of diffrent things. But i would like to know what it is


definantly not a tri color. they dont have the pe extention like this one does. i think this is a chips acro or a tenius acro. not a tri color though lol no way now how very nice piece though.
this is a tri color


Active Member
well it looks just like the ORA chips acro. Well i guess i did a god job picking it out. they are selling 1/2 -3/4 for $40-$50 dam
Cant wait until it gets bigger.

coral head

Originally Posted by nycbob
i think they r called sendthemtome acro.
I think your message went over most reader's heads.


Active Member
i have the TCN purple pillow and it doesnt really look like that. the TCN and ORA pieces are very similar.


Active Member
after checking with a few people its a deep water from one of the people i know that deals with alot of acros, not sure of the name of it yet.