need answers quick please


I am going tonight to look at and probably buy a 90 gal tank set up with rock fish corals pumps skimmer lighting the whole thing... the tank has been set up and established for over 2 years according to the owners.... I need to know how to move the tank and inhabitants the best way and if once get home can go ahead and put the fish and everything straight back in without having to let it recycle....


Active Member
Here's what I did when I had to move my 75g reef (bought a house):
I emptied the entire tank... nothing was left in it. I moved as much water as I could save into a pair of 30gal Rubbermaid containers. Once there was enough water moved, I transferred the fish into one container, and all my corals and LR into the other container. I then finished draining the water. The crushed coral (LS might be significantly more difficult) was also taken out of the tank and put into a few 5 gal water-tight buckets with enough tank water to keep it wet. Then I removed all the equipment.
I took the stand, tank, hood, and all the other equipment to my new house and set it up. I then went back, and using 5 gal water-tight buckets, I started moving water and crushed coral (the water is just too freaking heavy to move any other way, IMO). Once I got most of the water put back into the tank, I topped off the last 1/3 or so with new water.
Then I moved the LR into the new tank, then the corals (I mixed water from the tank with water from the Rubbermaid so that they could acclimate themselves in case the water conditions were very different). Once the LR and corals were in, I added the fish (same acclimation procedure).
The tank did not cycle, and nothing died. Took me about 3 hours start to finish, and cost be about $40 (2 30g rubbermaid totes, and 5 10g buckets with water-tight lids).
A couple of things to watch though... obviously, do it as fast as you can, but don't be sloppy. The longer the fish/corals are out of the tank, the more at risk they are. When the corals/fish are out of the aquarium, make sure you keep at least moderate current/airiation in the water, but more importantly, watch the temp.
Good luck... it's kinda nerve racking, but if you can do it fairly quickly, it shouldn't be a big deal.


New Member
I jut moved from Oregon to Arizona, something like 1600 miles and I brought my 50 gal reef with me.
I emtied all of the water out of it into containers and put my fish in those. Then took all of the live rock out and put it in a cooler the same way I got it from an internet site. I.e. with wet newspaper around it and some water in the cooler also. I had cc in the tank so I just got rid of that and bought ls when I got here. I carried my empty tank down to my truck and put it in and then put about 15 gallons of water back in and put the fish there. I then used a battery operated airator(sp) to give them oxygen for the trip and kept the temp in the brono at 80 degrees the whole trip. When I got here I just put everything back in with about 50% new water and that was it. Everything I had in my tank made the trip and lived. They were not very hapy for about a week but they got over it.