Need Berlin Turbo Help


I've finially got water in my 125 gallon tank and all seems more or less fine except my Berlin Turbo.
It seems that the very center clear plastic cylinder (with the small divider in the bottom) wants to float and bang up against the middle cylinder. Is this sign of too much water flow or??
Additionally, each of the two return outlets up top has a connector for air hose (redox I am told). I can pretty loudly hear the "sucking noise" from these two inlets. If I cover them up with my fingers, the flow stops though. What is wrong?
I honestly have tried reading the Berlin manual but it is pretty confusing since it covers at least three different models and is short to begin with.


Active Member
I have a Berlin also. The small cylinder with the divider is supposed to fit snuggly into the bottom of the skimmer.... inside the larger cylinder. If it is floating up, the fitting might be stripped. It should come out with a little pressure. I only take it out when cleaning the skimmer though.
Now, the sucking noise probably isn't coming directly from the return ports. The air flow adjustment knob is on one side of the return ports. There should be a little white plastic knob that you can turn to adjust airflow. If it is missing you will hear a hissing, or sucking noise. That means there is too much air flow and there is a good chance the skimmer won't work properly. It will put straight water into the collection cup. I hope those are your problems or I just confused you more. But the Berlin skimmers are awesome.



Originally posted by HairTrigger
I have a Berlin also. The small cylinder with the divider is supposed to fit snuggly into the bottom of the skimmer.... inside the larger cylinder. If it is floating up, the fitting might be stripped. It should come out with a little pressure. I only take it out when cleaning the skimmer though.
Now, the sucking noise probably isn't coming directly from the return ports. The air flow adjustment knob is on one side of the return ports. There should be a little white plastic knob that you can turn to adjust airflow. If it is missing you will hear a hissing, or sucking noise. That means there is too much air flow and there is a good chance the skimmer won't work properly. It will put straight water into the collection cup. I hope those are your problems or I just confused you more. But the Berlin skimmers are awesome.

The inner cyliner with the divider definately fits in pretty loosly. I mean it can literally fall into place if I "dropped" it even a half inch or less above were it fits.
When you say it might be stripped, do you mean this should be threaded or??? I guess that I'll try to find some water proof tape to wrap around it to make it a little bit bigger so it will fit snug??
Also, the sucking noise is DEFINATELY coming from the return ports. I can put my finger over them and the noise goes away. I guess I can get some kind of slip on rubber stoppers, but is this normal?


That tube is not threaded. It should fit snugly, enough for it to stay seated during operation. I run a Mag 9.5 on my Berlin XL and haven't had any problems. The ports on the top being capped shouldn't make any difference. I had to cap mine since they had a tendency to leak water (i think my pump is too strong).


Active Member
Ok.... yeah..... no it is not threaded. Like starfish said, it should just fit snuggly. I would try that waterproof tape, that's a great idea.
Now, I thought you meant the return ports where the water flows out. Now I see you must be talking about the tiny hose barbs on top of those ports. Occasionally mine make the strange noise too. Try adjusting your air flow rate.... if that doesnt work... try plugging them up.
Essentially, as long as you're getting, thick, gross foam in the cup... that's all that matters. :)
Good luck.


I wouldn't use an adhesive tape on that though, get some of the teflon pipe threading tape, that should do it and the stuff is inert.
what is the model? I have all of them and what pump are you useing? the middle tube should slide into the base with the little divider at the bottom if it is the turbo pump you can adj. the front to increase or decrease flow till it dosen't bounce if that doesn't work try to decrease the air imput with the screw. hope it helps