Need Clown Expert to Identify


are these saddlebacks or black ocellaris? what would these retail for a pair?
thanks guys they are my newest pickup and I would like to know exactly what they are.
one of the pics i took with a flash to try and get more detail.



they dont look like saddlebacks. look like ocelaris with 1/2 line [forgot what they are called]. in my LFS they go about 50 ea.
nice fish btw
if they are looking for someone to ADOPT them, ill give them a home :D


thanks, weirdest thing is i put them in my 180 with another pair perculas. and all 4 seem to be getting along fine. they flared up when i first put them in, but it's been a week and all seem to be getting along. i have a refuge just in case it doesn't work but have to keep my fingers crossed. is there anyway to tell a black saddleback from a black ocellaris (physical traits). i paid 70 bucks for the pair at my lfs so i guess it's a good deal then.


i know that adult black ocellaris look extremely similar young black saddlebacks. i have done a search, that is a general answer that i've tried 3 days ago and on 4 different forums. when i say clown expert i don't mean clown amatuer (no offense). number of spines on dorsal fins or any other physical traits that are evident between the 2 species. thanks for the suggestions


I wouldn't consider myself an amatuer nor an expert. I just wasnt real sure how to explain the difference. So now I just leave it you but anyway here is the best description of the difference I can give you...the saddelback have distinct Saddle markings along and between the fins of the upper body. The ocellaris has 3 distinct connecting lines on the bodies. In your case they would be half lines. I would draw a picture however I am not good at that. Hopefully this can help!!!!


Active Member
i think they look like misbarred maroons. just saying what they look like, nothing to support my observation! :happy: