Need coral ID...



OK, I'll try this. Here is a pic. It came in as a hitch-hiker. It grows very slow and I think it's soft. The polyps look greenish in the pic...they look like that in real life too. The pic is a little blurry, but it's the best I got. See the vermetid beside it for size reference. It's still very small...
coral pic


I don't know. When it appeared, I had no xenia in the tank, nor had I ever. I had the rock for about a year which is why I am assuming it's a slow grower. Maybe I can take a better pic of it whenever I get my camera back.


Yeah, from what I can see they all have 8 tenticles, but that sucker is puny!! The "hair" lookin' part you can see in the pic, you cannot see in real life. The fuzz aroud the tenticle...
Clove polyps huh?? They do kinda look like it, but it is not on individual stalks like the ones shown on this sight. It looks like it all comes from one body, zat make sense??


My hubby is in New Zealand right now and he has my camera. As soon as he gets back I will attempt a better pic. I tried hard for this one, but maybe the "camera break" will do me good!!

yosemite sam

Active Member
I'm almost wondering if it's some sort of baby leather or colt sprout. I can't tell the size for sure, but the polyps look a bit like one of them.


Well, I have a capnella just under it and for a while I thought it was that, but the greenish tips have me all confused. As far as xenia, the tenticles are way shorter than the xenia I've seen...admittedly, I haven't seen much...


Active Member
Well, I have a capnella just under it and for a while I thought it was that, but the greenish tips have me all confused.
I think you answered your own question. It could very in color if it's shaded.
As far as xenia, the tenticles are way shorter than the xenia I've seen...admittedly, I haven't seen much...
My pulsing xenia has about 1-11/2" long polyps.


See, I try to compare with the capnella and the polyps are not as open. Lemme see here... They are kinda closed so it's hard to tell if they match. The new (Or other) piece is about 7 inches higher on the rock closer to the light and no shade.


Active Member
I looked at the first pic and down the stalks alittle the polyps LOOK very similar to the second pic. But, this is just a pic and the thing is very small. But I think it's the same, we'll have to see when it grows out.


OK, Lemme explain...
I was lookin' at this issue of "Coral" magazine and on the cover is a leather coral. I was thinking how much those polyps looked like my unIDable ones... Then I remembered...
Forever ago, I had a coral. The one in the pic above. It was a rescue. It got better and I pulled it off and gave it away. It was in the exact spot as the one in queston... I think it's growing back. I completely forgot I had it to begin with. I only had it for about a month. So now, compare it to the leathers and tell me which it is... toadstool, finger what?? Here it is after some improvement...