need expert advice for idea


i have had a good idea, but i am not sure how to make it work and am seekign good advice. I have been given a 10 gallon tank with a light and filter of its own. Since i am new to this hobby i decided not to try to make it into a seperate tank. i was think of making it a sump for my new 50 gallon, and maybe grow macroe algae and brineshrimp in it too if i could. since it might not work i was thinking of just using two syphones. do you think this could work? suggestions appriciated... ;)

mr . salty

Active Member
Syphons would be VERY RISKY..That is asking for a flood.You would be safer to get a small,low flow overflow box to feed the sump.And a matching powerhead,or pump for the return.You wouldn't need much more than 75gph to make it work...


Active Member
If you are using it for the sump you will need alot more turnover then 75gph. More like 400 to 550 gph which any overflow box should handle.With that rate however you would have a hard time using it as a refugium for algae or brine.