need expertise on building lighting canopy


New Member
i plan on buying or 125 or building 8x2x2 tank myself and building a custom stand and canopy for it
from what i have herd you can save hundreds of dollars by building your own lighting system
what i dont know is what kind of equipement and fixtures ill need to do the tanks lights
i plan on making the tank fish/reef
if anyone has any experience ,info,ideas,design the used,or just comments i would really like to here from you


It is really easy when you order lights you can go with retrofit light and you will save $$$ there too. Jusy make sure you leave the back open on teh canopy and include cooling fans. If you go with PC or VHO lighting the canopy will not need to be real high above teh tank.If you go with MH lighting then you will need to make sure the lights are 10 in. plus from teh top of the water. Whne making you stand make sure it is very strong I used 2x4 's and 3/4 in cabinet grade plywood & 3/4 in pine.You need to make sure it is as level as can be for if you have overflows they wont work right if not level as well as the water level in tank looking off.Make sure you leave a big enough openning if you have large sump that needs to go into to stand would hate to see you build it then sump wont fit. The are lots of treads on building your own I just took a glace at the one in LFS and made mine better.