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My CUC is acclimating right now. I have a few questions. How long should I acclimate them for? There are 20 nass snails, 20 turbos, 10 ceriths, and 2 emerald crabs. I was thinking 2 hours. And then I add them should the lights be off? I have 2 250w MH bulbs. If so should the moon lights be off too? And how do you get snails unstuck to styrofoam?


Originally Posted by Kevin34
My CUC is acclimating right now. I have a few questions. How long should I acclimate them for? There are 20 nass snails, 20 turbos, 10 ceriths, and 2 emerald crabs. I was thinking 2 hours. And then I add them should the lights be off? I have 2 250w MH bulbs. If so should the moon lights be off too? And how do you get snails unstuck to styrofoam?

I acclimate inverts for at least three or four hours. The lights don't really make a difference. The crabs will go into the rock if they are scared. To get the snails off, gently wiggle them until they go back into their shell. Don't pull hard though.


2 hr drip will be planty and the moon lights will be ok as far as reg lights i never turn mine off with snales. hope this helps


Active Member
All the turbo snails are attached to eachother in one big clump. They were this way through 3 hours of acclimation and now in the tank. Will they eventually break apart or do I have to do that? Can they move on sand or only on the glass?


Originally Posted by Kevin34
All the turbo snails are attached to eachother in one big clump. They were this way through 3 hours of acclimation and now in the tank. Will they eventually break apart or do I have to do that? Can they move on sand or only on the glass?
Right, they will break apart on their own. They can most certainly move on sand, rock, and glass.