Need filter for 10g


Looking for ideas for a good filter for a 10g Nano. I have an Aquatic Life 115 skimmer in there at the moment, but I need some sort of mechanical filtration. I currently have two damsels, a spot tailed blenny, a couple of peppermint shrimp and about 6 snails. Also I have about 8 lbs of live rock and 7 lbs of sand. I'm looking at an AquaClear 20 Power Filter A595 and was wondering what kind of experience people have had with it.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Raptor72 http:///t/391102/need-filter-for-10g#post_3466788
Looking for ideas for a good filter for a 10g Nano. I have an Aquatic Life 115 skimmer in there at the moment, but I need some sort of mechanical filtration. I currently have two damsels, a spot tailed blenny, a couple of peppermint shrimp and about 6 snails. Also I have about 8 lbs of live rock and 7 lbs of sand. I'm looking at an AquaClear 20 Power Filter A595 and was wondering what kind of experience people have had with it.
Well nobody answered I will try. I have a 10g QT and I use a little overflow penguin type of filter. It's easy to swap cartridges to change the media. Instread of a power head I use an air line (NO STONE) to move the surface and the penguin seems to create enough current in the small tank. I have no idea about a skimmer.


Active Member
I use a little penguin filter as well on my 10g QT. I think that it is rated for a 30g tank (FW) so it does move water. I have used it with the bio wheel and with out it. The cartridges are easy to change out and you have a bit of room behind them to put in other media if you want ( I have stuffed a whole bag of chemipure elite back there).
I have also heard good things about the aqua clear HOB filters as well. HTH's