need fish ideas


i have a 30 gal fish only. 1 ocellaris and 1 blue damsel. what would go nicely with them? clown is the dominant fish.


I would go with a clown goby (the green is the one I have, though I love the looks of the yellow and citron too). They are small, peaceful and full of personality. I personally love green chromis too, they are shimmery silver in color and just overall very active, they bring constant action to your a peaceful, schooling nature.


Active Member
Would you consider getting rid of the damsel? If so there are a lot of nice gobies that look very nice in your tank.
ditch the damsel, and replace it with another clown. It is so much more awesome watching two as oppose to one. You could get a shrimp/ goby pair too, and maybe a cool looking wrasse, like a sixline or mystery...