Need help adjusting protein skimmer


Picked up a Prizm skimmer the other day and I can't seem to get it adjusted right. It's either just bubbling up in the center cylinder and not overflowing into the tanks, or water is bubbling up from the cylinder and filling up the tanks (it's not dirt water).
What speed or amount of bubbles should I be looking for?


okokok i got this....
1 first shut off the skimmer.
2 get a case off beer.
3 drink a beer
4 open the "air line" all the way till the knob just about falls off.
5 drink another beer
6 turn the "pump" to 75% then turn it on
7 drink a beer, if the bubbles go over the cup turn it down "Just a bit" untill they stop
8 if you think you have the skimmer's pump just right(where the bubbles dont go over the cup let the skimmer run... drink 2~4 beers and dont touch the skimmer...
9 ...ok this is the important part, turn the pump's power up "JUST A CH"...drink 2 beers. if bubbles go over, you have found the sweet spot, turn the pump back down a "Just a CH" to where it was....drink the rest of the case and pass out.
in the am, close the air line 1 and a half turns per 24 hours till you get a foam...then once you get a foam, let it sit for 2 days...if you get no foam, close it 1/2 of a turn every day...till you get it right...just take your time with it...


Teczate' or Bud? And what if there's foam over the edge of the bottle? Should I drink it faster?