Need help, all my fish are dying


New Member
I have been doing FW tanks for a while and had no problems, so I decided to try a SW tank. I set up a 75 gal tank and a hospital tank. Used damsels for the cycle, with no problem. I then slowly added about 35lbs of live rock and live sand. Once that was all set I started adding fish (two a week). I had a maroon clown, a small niger trigger, a small pink tail trigger, and a dwarf lion. I also had a few starfish, turbo snails, and a few blue and red legs for cleanup. Everything was fine and then I had an ich outbreak. I FW dipped the fish and then moved them to the hospital tank and treated with copper safe. The visible signs of ich went away and the fish started eating again. When I thought all was going well, the fish started getting cloudy eyes and it looked like they were shedding skin (yes I know, but that's the best way I can describe what they look like). They stopped eating again. I checked water conditions and everything was fine (ph-8.3, amonia and nitrites-0, nitrates-5ppm, salinity-1.023, temp-76). I suspected a bacteria infection and started treating with Maracyn II. The pink tail and dwarf lion died last night. The clown and niger are still alive and eating again, but they still have cloudy eyes and that shedding skin look. Does anyone know what this could be and how to treat it? How long should I leave the fish in the hospital tank? How long should I wait to put new fish back into the main taknk? Thanks for your help!!
[ April 26, 2001: Message edited by: saltgirl ]


Staff member
Well, I think you loaded up this new tank with too much livestock too fast. And the fish you choose, too, are not the best to start off a tank. Remember that all the inverts and LR that you have, also count toward your bio-load. Even though your readings are good, tanks still need to "age gracefully" to be successfully. You will not be able to apply the same livestock quota considerations that you used in your FW hobby to SWF.


New Member
The "shedding skin" is a whitish-grayish color. I finished the recommended treatment of Maracyn 2, did a water change, and added a carbon filter to remove the chemicals. The fish have started eating again, seem to be more active, and thier eyes and skin are starting to clear up. Since they seem to be on the path to healing I am a little hesitant to add more medicine at this time, but I also don't want them to get sick again because I don't add medicine (ie Maracyn-1). Any suggestions on whether to add it or not?