Need Help!! Anybody W/ Knoweledge

So my tank has been up for about 6 months. I have a reef tank w/ live sand and live rock. I noticed that under the cave there are these mini shrimp looking things swimming around. they are the size of ants. Not sure what they are. Also now appearing are some sort of snails that have a smooth shell which is black and light, kind of like a zebra looking snail. where the heck did those come from? one last thing i noticed when the lights go out this really really small worm comes out of the live rock. as soon as the light goes on he is gone. what is all of this and are these anything to worry about?
My camera is broke. Sorry


New Member
the worm is a bristle worm. the little white ants are copa pods and i dont know about the snails. you want those pods though fish will eat them
Hitchhikers from your live rock is where you picked these creatures up. The little shrimp like things are probably amphipods. You will also see tiny little white things on you glass crawling around and that will be copepods. Both are good. The worm will need more description to ID. If it is kind of pink with a lot of bristly legs then it is a bristle worm. Clean up waste for you. The snails are are good but someone else will have to ID them could be cerith or nassarius. I would say you have the signs of a healthy and maturing tank.
Yes i googled it. That is exactly what they are. I probably have three or four. Where did they come from and are they bad? also thanks everyone for answering my other questions.