Need Help Asap


Active Member
Just bought my girlfriend an Oceanic Bio-Cube 14 gal tank. Got it for 199.99 I didnt think it was to bad of a price. Wondering what upgrades should I get to with it? Pretty much what should I do to make the Filteration better>?
Help and adivce needed! Thanks in advnace


Active Member
I used to have one before I cracked it. I also had problems with the lighting from the start so went with MH, but that is beside the point. Not answering your questions that way.
I removed the back chamber and drilled it to a 1" overflow and down to a sump, but you probably don't want to do that. I was having heat issues wiht the stock lighting and with the MH so that's why I did that.
But before I drilled it I removed the back chamber and cut out a section between chamber 1 and 2 and turned it into a refugium and placed it back in a resiliconed it. I used a submersable LED to light the chaeto 24/7 for better ph control and switched out the powerhead with a maxijet 900 I believe it was. I also closed off the bottom inlet so it only skimmed from the top and used chemipur in the last chamber with the powerhead for extra support.