need help attack of hair algae



all water parameters are within specs. Metal halide lighting for eight hours per day. Have tried snails and crabs. Just bought a lawnmower blenny that doesn't seem to eat anything yet. Thinking about maybe a naso tang. My yellow tang and blue hippo won't touch it. How do I get rid of the hair algae?


Originally Posted by wbradenpt
all water parameters are within specs. Metal halide lighting for eight hours per day. Have tried snails and crabs. Just bought a lawnmower blenny that doesn't seem to eat anything yet. Thinking about maybe a naso tang. My yellow tang and blue hippo won't touch it. How do I get rid of the hair algae?
test you phosphates


Active Member
What are your nitrate and phosphate levels? What kind of water are you using? How much and how often are you feeding? Is it near a window that allows natural light to shine on the tank? How often and how much water do you change? How old are the bulbs in your lights? What is your stock list and how big is your tank? These are all things that could be factors.


I had a bad bout with H.A. and just now my tank is about 95% free. I cut down on my feeding. Was feeding everyday and now once every two-three days.
I also pulled most of the H.A. off the rocks (long stuff) with my hands and threw it away. My. H.A. was also on some rocks that I could move freely. For those, I flipped the rocks upside down in order to starve it of light and placed algae free rocks ontop of rocks covered with it. Again, to starve it of light. Did this in addition to weekly 5 gallon water changes (47 gallon tank) and now my tank is looking great. I would say, it took about month and a half to get to the point I'm at now.
Good luck


kinda figured that there wasn't going to be an easy fix. Was hoping that I could just buy something to eat it. All water parameters are good, including phosphates. Tank is 180g with MH lighting 250w x 3, plus 4 actinics. Have tunze wavemaker, refugium, etc. No problems except this hair algae. Only feed 2 small cubes from a multi-pack every day or 2. I do about 25 gallon water change every few weeks. Have ca reactor and auto top off. I have a blue hippo and a yellow tang. Also a pajama wrasse. 2 green chromis. A clownfish, and the new lawnmower. Plus some hair algae.


get alot of sally lightfoot crabs lmao i would recoment once ur LFS gets them ask if u can borrow liek all of them then put them in ur tank and u should be good quick then the hard part is figuring how to get them out i guess get some kind of trap hehehe


i have 3 sally lightfoot crabs 2 in. in my 55 gal...they are intense algae eating machines.. they work all day and night at cleaning the tank.


Active Member
turbo snail will eat algae. make sure u buy the big one. so will lawnmower blenny. i got a lawnmower a month ago in my fowlr, and he ate all the algae off rocks and glass.


Active Member
phosphates are probably good because the algae is adsorbing all of them, still need to find the problem, over feeding, skimmer not working right, i have a lmb and he never eats what i want him to eat i have used something called rid hair algae, but it made my rates go way up, so if you find it and use it watch that...