NEED HELP BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-maintinence and equipment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
i need to know (A what equipment i need for a 20 gallon setup and (B what mantinence is there for a gallon saltwater tank


Active Member
I just switched a 16 gallon fresh over to salt and am setting up a 29 gallon. I don't know what you have if anything already but there are many ways of doing it. In my 16 gallon I have the old bio-wheel filter, 23 lbs live rock, sand substrate seeded with live sand from LFS, heater and Dual Sattelite PC hood. I have ordered an Aqua C Remora hang-on skimmer for both of my tanks. My filter turns over 170 Gallons per hour, so that and my skimmer will be adequate on the 16 gallon. I will need to add power heads for the 29.
Lots of new clean buckets for water changes and acclimating are helpful. Air hose if you want to drip acclimate, and extra air stone or power head and heater to aerate and heat water for changes. Marine Test kit, Alkalinity test kit, possibly a marine buffer, and refractometer- swing arm's suck. I learned that way too quickly. GFCI strip to plug equipment into. Maybe timers for lights.
Hope that helps some.....