need help buying a pond


New Member
I want to buy a plastic pond for sharks and put it in my basement. I was wondering where is a good place to buy one? Any online stores or any other stores. If you know where i can buy one can you please let me know.


IVe heard that the steel troughs even with the liner are unsafe for sharks . Something about the steel mess's up there hunting senses but i do not know from experiecne. Rubbermaid makes some big polyethylene troughs. like up to 300gal. I wouldnt neccesarily recomend these but i wouldnt say dont use these. They are good/bad depending on what species you are keeping. I have one that is new that i might sell if you are interested email me You can always go bigger if you bulid it out of plywood and use liner which is more work but obviously can be built bigger.


Active Member
What size are you looking to build? Depending on the dimensions there are several ways to build the structure, then you can just line it with a pond liner... Tetratec made the one we used.


Ok If we are going to help build a shark aquarium we need to tell several was to do so. Ok first off I have built several aquariums and my newest one is made out of concrete its 2700 gallons I am still working on it.
here is a pic in the last post of the aquarium

1)Also if you build an aquarium out of a steel pool you should but a pound liner that comes in black blue or white inside of the pool and rap it around the edge of the pool 4-5" bellow the out side rim also make sure the pool is made out of galvanized steel so there is less chance for it to rust (See more information in other post for who it will not effect the shark). I have helped people build these and they are cheep and work grate.
2)Now you can build it several ways one is to make it out of wood and fiber glass NOVICE150 built one of these he gives a description on how he did I think this would also work grate.
3) You can also buy a small pool and have 2 liners in it so that has less of a chance for it to leak. I have seen these in person and they look and work grate you can buy a small pool for $300 to $500.
4) Now you can you can build it out of concrete and acrylic its quite easy to do so all you need to do is poor a form and make sure that there no re-bar steel sticking out in the water but as long as you but a good 3 coots of pool epoxy paint on it you will have no problems I but 2 viewing windows in my aquarium I an sealing them in with acrylic. And siliconing the window in.


To all that wondering if there is an problem with steel pools. There is really no problem for the sharks nerves system and nor will effect its ampullae of lorenzini. Neither will it cause a suppressed immunity or effect it blood or liver or eating habits. This is because of the mettle being out side of the liner so it is not consider a dissolved mettle or heave mettle. As long as you keep the pool and steel grounded it will not present a problem. Grounding the pool will keep the microvolt down below I think 1/5000 per squar cm so the shark dose not sense it with its ampullae of lorenzini. These are small visible pores on the side of the sharks head which can detect small amount of electric current emit by living animals . Its ben proven that sharks can detect electrical current of less then .001 microvolt per cm.


whats minimum size for a shark pond?? id wanna keep a bonnethead if i had a pond:thinking:


I would not put one in an aquarium less then 15' long and 6' wide and 3' high or some around the SA of 70'
These sharks grow very vast as juveniles up to 3.3 cm a month in my studys. So dont try to skip on the aquarium size.


Active Member

Originally posted by requiem
I would not put one in an aquarium less then 15' long and 6' wide and 3' high or some around the SA of 70'
These sharks grow very vast as juveniles up to 3.3 cm a month in my studys. So dont try to skip on the aquarium size.

But yet you want to keep a black tip in 2700 gallons? Not flaming, just curious as to why you think a bonnethead needs a larger tank than a black tip.


I am thinking that you did not do the math the aquarium I told him that the shark would fit in is 2025 gallons and has an sa of 90f2 also the shark I am geting is only going to be in my aquarium for 4-5 years becouse I am setting up a small pool 15 ft in Dim by next year. Also I was thinking that the only aquarium the shark was going into was that one for life.


New Member
would i be able to buy one of these and use it
Fabric is 550 grams per sq. meter polyester w/PVC coating.
Frame is painted steel and resin.
One Year Warranty.
Easy to Set up & take down
No Liner to buy
Easy Storage
Has a Drain Hole for Easy Water Removal
Shipping weight is 46lbs.
Dimensions: 8 3/4' x 5' x 2' tall - Capacity is 700 gallons