Need Help Calculating the Volume of New Tank!!!


Active Member
The guy I bought it from says it's a 48, but the numbers we run keep hitting in the 30's... If someone could help us out, we would REALLY appreciate it, as my Landlord wants to know the capacity before we bring it in to the apartment.
If anything in the picture is confusing, just let me know and I'll try to clarify. Thank u thank u!!!



Mimzy, I will try again, using the rectangle portion i get 20x18x21x.00433= 32.7348 (volume)
Then using the area of a parrallelogram A=bxh i get 10x18=180
then for the volume of that, V= bxh the 180 being the base now i get 180x21= 3780
3780x.00433= 16.3674 add your two volumes and viola you get 49.1022
Nott entirelly sure on my math (or spelling) but thats about 48gal.


Active Member
I came up with 41g. By....
21 x 18 x 20
10 x 10 x 21
Not sure of the angle so probly more like 38g


yall have a missing tall is it?? the 21? i got a 50 with what you have. i take it that 21 in the depth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 37g Joe
why dont you just fill it up with water and figure out that way
LoL, this is what we were planning to do once we had the tank set up...but we're in the middle of moving, and our new landlord wants us to let him know the tank's capacity BEFORE we bring it in the the new apartment... and at the moment the tank is in our storage space - where we've been keeping our furniture for the move....there's no faucet or hose or anything there to fill it.

I guess I'll just have to haul it home, fill it, empty it out, and then haul it back to storage.
Oh well... thank you all for trying, anyhow. I've got my Dad and my little brother and my Husband and all the pple I know that like math trying to figure this out - and so far NO ONE has gotten the same answers. :scared:


Active Member
This is what I did, took the two ends and claculated them together as one tank and then added it. should be close.


Active Member
hhhmm... maybe I should like.... do a raffle thingy. Whoever guesses the right capacity wins!!
Thanx Dogstar, I think my Dad did it the same way, but he came up with a different number.....


Active Member
Hhhm... Dogstar, your answer was only 1.7 gallons over my Husband's calculation....


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
mimzy it is a 35 gallon hex
and your equation for this would be....?


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
just trust me on this mimzy, would i tell you wrong,huh,huh
I have no idea.


You can't put the two ends together like that dogstar, the angle isn't 90 degrees so it wouldn't be a square.