Need help choosing a pump for my 175



Hey guys ! Hope all is well. I am trying to make some room in my refugium. I have two pumps in there, because my main pump is taking up all the room. I have a Lifetech ap 5800. I am looking for something good and powerful, but not so big and bulky like the one I have now. Maybe a Mag -? Anyhelp would be great, thanks !


Hey Lion ! Thanks for the reply. I am looking for an internal pump. I'm not sure about the gph range. But something very powerful would be great ! I think the Lifetech that I have now is 5800 gph.


Active Member
I think the AP 5800 is around 3168 gph. It claims 12000 l/h which would be around the 3168. so if that's the case you could go with a mag 36 which is the biggest mag pump and have a little more flow. That is about the most flow I have seen on an internal pump


Well-Known Member
If you are looking for internal pumps, I would also agree with ameno for the Mag 36. However, if I were you, I would actually get a dart pump. External to me is always better. :D


Active Member
agree 100%. and I may be wrong on the more flow with the mag. You would have to compare the pumps head pressure rating to see what the actual outcome would be, but I think it would be better, mags have a good head pressure.


Hey guys, thanks for the reply. So I guess I'll go with the Mag.
But should I stay internal -?


Active Member
If you have an option I would go external with that size pump, and look at a sequence dart, as SnakeBlitz33 suggested


Active Member
also if you go external you could even go with a bigger pump then the dart, sequence goes up in flow a lot more then the dart. you could just look up the sequence pumps and pick one with the flow you want


Great info ,thanks. So the name of it is Sequence-? Where can I find it-?


Active Member
just do a google for sequence pumps and you should find some suppliers. I can't say here were i've bought them before.