Need help choosing new lighting system


Active Member
I want something that will save me on my electric bills and yet be strong enough for corals. Which one would be better for saving money? t-5 or VHO. The place i want to get my VHO is at
HelloL- - - -
Recently i learned that the ballast would the deciding factor for energy consumption. What do you guys recommend me getting?
Right now i have a JBJ 32x2 PC in my 15 gallon and 96 watt PC custom sealife retrofit system on my 55 gallon. Once i get strong enough lights, i plan to move the 15 gallon into the 55 gallon tank. I do not plan to get SPS. Just LPS.
I only have enough room for a 36" fixture. Because the top part is black and it is an acrylic tank space is limited. I would prefer a complete lighting system but i wouldnt ming suggestions for retrofit stuff.
email me if needed


You could get a 4 48" VHO retrofit kit that will produce 440 watts of light. That should be sufficient for most softies and some LPS's.
Im dont know too much about t-5's I know they are bright, but I cant find the bulbs locally so I decided to wait on them till they are more available. Iknow an IceCap 660 can run either 4 48"VHO or 4 48" t-5's.


Active Member
most likely im going to get a 36" system, icecaps but i want to know which will save me money on my electric bill, Icecap VHO , Jbj system or a t5 system.
I dont know a store in SF that sells t5 systems nor bulbs


I cant speak for others, but IMO the Icecap 660 was one of the best purchases I made for the tank. Being a electrical ballast they run much more efficiently and much cooler than magnate based ballast. (The JBJ could be electrical I dont know). The ballast runs so cool I can not tell if the lights are on or not just by touching the ballast.
I would say go with an icecap660 w/ VHO . They will also run t-5's so later when the become more available you can switch and all you will have to buy is end caps and bulbs.
AS another option if can you fit 46.5" bulbs? URI makes a 110 watts 46.5" bulb.
Other wise 36" will get you a 90 watt bulb X4 = 360 watts.
But if you dont want to retrofit it under a canopy this could be a problem.

david s

I have seen the new T5 in action and I would highly recomend you do some reaserch on them they rock. they blow everything but mh out of the water. you can order the bulbs online. the only thing is make sure you get the new T5 reflectors because most of what makes them rock is the new reflector


Active Member
i checked out the new Customsealife hoods, they have built in moonlights. They seem pretty cool. Anyone have any comments?

david s

I may be crazy but 500 watts of vho or 500 watts of mh or pc Is 500 watts isnt watts the amount of energy used. maybe and electrician could chime in ??? then after that it comes down to reflectors and intensity of the light you are throwing. there is a formula amps Xvolts X?? lol I smell the cob webs burning