Need Help Deciding on a Cleaning Crew


Active Member
Hey everybody .. I've had a 65 Gallon tank set up and running for about 3 weeks and I need a cleaning crew .. any suggestions?


Active Member
yeah I talked to another guy about and I plan on getting 15 turbo snails and 15 hermit crabs .. and i expect my blue hippo tang will eat off the bottom along with my yellow watchman goby .. does that sound good?


Active Member
no not yet .. I'm going to buy a juvenile (1-2 inches) then put him in my 90 gallon when it outgrows my 65 .. which will take about a year or two .. why do you ask?


Active Member
Just because of tank size, which you have already seemed to have thought about.
I don't know that a 3 week tank can support a cleaning crew the size you are talking about. I don't have experience in that area. Sorry.
What is in your 90 now?


Active Member
They are beautiful tanks, good for you
. The cleaning crew you have chosen should be great, Jam. Can't wait to see the progression!


Active Member
thanks for the praise ... and I'll be sure to put a thread up once I get my 65 gallon stocked