Need help designing sump/fuge.


If someone could show me some pictures or diagrams of sump/fuges it'd be helpfull. I need some ideas on how to do this. I plan on using a 20L. With have the fuge and other half sump.
This is the rought sketch of what I put together, I am in the process of putting together a 155 Bowfront Reef Ready. I built my own sump and bought all the equipment separately. I've taken pictures every step of the way. I'll post them up when they get developed.
Email me if you want specific questions answered.

blue dew

Here is a picture of the one I'm using, its made out of a 29 gallon. The water comes in the left side, through the hole in the top. The center section is the fuge, and the right side is where my return pump (MAG 7) is located.

blue dew

This is a picture of it in action. Its reversed on the actual tank, with input on the left, and output on the right.


Looks good. I'm assuming there will be two inlets... one on the left, and one on the right. Correct?
The only suggestion I would offer is to move the filtration media baffles over, beside the return section... so the water coming in on the right side gets skimmed before it gets filtered. Your skimmer will perform much better like this.


Correct. I know about the flow rate in the fuge and everything so im good there. All ready did the plumbing. Just trying to plan out the 20L. Thanks for all ur input, I'll move put the floss else where, and change it around a bit.
Heres two pics of the plumbing I got done last weekend.