Need help fast,clown is ich!


I have had my 2 tomato clowns for about a week.They are about 3 inches long each,beautiful. Today i noticed one maybe both have a white spot or two on them.I know it is an ich thing begining to happen. I am new to this hobby but I think I know ich when I see it. The spots were not there before.I need to start a separate tank asap! I can get a tank in the morning but can I move the clowns in without a cycle in the new tank?I started mixing my saltwater tonight.Should I add a product called "cycle" to the mix? I will transfer a piece of my live rock into the new tank tomorrow.I only have 2 four stripe damsels[more than 7 weeks in tank] 2 tomato clowns and 1 common cleaner shrimp and about 5 hermit crabs all in a 29 gal. with lots of lr and ls.Why ich all of sudden and can the clowns be treated in the main tank? Looks like the ich just started today.


If you are setting up the other tank as a temporary hospital tank there is no need to cycle it. Do not move any live rock or sand to the hospital tank. Most of the treatment method for ICK will kill off you beneficial bacteria, so they key to maintaining good water quality in this tank will be an aggressive water change schedule. Make sure you add a heater and powerhead for circulation. You can also add a filter or skimmer if available. Keep a close eye on ammonia and nitrite levels while treating your fish. You may want to visit the Diseases and Treatment section of this forum to research the different treatment methods.