I have had my 2 tomato clowns for about a week.They are about 3 inches long each,beautiful. Today i noticed one maybe both have a white spot or two on them.I know it is an ich thing begining to happen. I am new to this hobby but I think I know ich when I see it. The spots were not there before.I need to start a separate tank asap! I can get a tank in the morning but can I move the clowns in without a cycle in the new tank?I started mixing my saltwater tonight.Should I add a product called "cycle" to the mix? I will transfer a piece of my live rock into the new tank tomorrow.I only have 2 four stripe damsels[more than 7 weeks in tank] 2 tomato clowns and 1 common cleaner shrimp and about 5 hermit crabs all in a 29 gal. with lots of lr and ls.Why ich all of sudden and can the clowns be treated in the main tank? Looks like the ich just started today.