Need help fast!!! Purple Nudibranch added a week ago


New Member
we added a purple nudibranch to our tank about a week ago and after seeing how diffucult they are to keep i have insisted my dad to remove it. He just ignores the fact to remove it. We dont have any sponges in our tank and it now it is starting to move across the tank which i think its looking for food. We have about 10 fish and also inverts in the tank and a bunch of corals that i hate to lose. is it true that these are venemous when they die and should i just take it out myself.
thanks ryan


a couple years ago when i had a 46 i tried a couple nudibranchs but due to strong flow they kept getting blown off of my rocks and sucked into power heads. I would get home from work and see what happened. I would remove it at this point and do a 20% water change. I didnt have a problem.
But this doesnt mean that it wont cause one. If you feel its could be a problem i would just remove it and save any possible headache