need help fast!!!


New Member
I have a 29 gallon tank with 2 damsels, 18 blue legs, 1 cleaner and 1 brittle star. I decided to try quickcrete in my tank on Monday but it didn't seem to work very well. During this time I put my fish, rock, crabs, shrimp and brittle star in an old tank with a heater and powerhead. The Quickcrete sand wasn't working very well so I decided to remove it and put my old substrate back in. The fish, shrimp and crabs as transitioned well but the brittle star began to secrete a milky substance along with the tips of his arms breaking off. I checked all of my levels before adding my fish and inverts back in but for some reason the brittle is having a problem. Any help will be useful. Ph 8.2, nitrites 0, nitrates 5ppm, ammonia 0.


Did you fill up this old tank with water from the tank you changed the substrate in. If not did you acclimate the fish when you put them in the new tank and then back to the old tank? It could just be stress from the moving. Hey lived in Utah for 2 years, what fish store do you go to? I love Bird World.


New Member
Hey, BirdWorld is the place that I shop. They have a good selection of fish and aquarium supplies. I removed almost all of my water before pulling out the sand. I did however end up adding about 10 gallons of new salt water. I tried acclimated my fish and inverts as best as I could but I just cannot figure out what went wrong with my brittle star. I hate to say it but I am afraid that he will be dead by morning.


I think I would cut my losses, morn for the brittle star and remove him now before he contaminates your aquarium. Can you leave him in the quarantine tank?