need help fast!!!!!


ive been fighting ich with my blue hippo for a little over a week now. most of which i was on vacation so my father in law was doing the kent rx-p treatment and feeding pellets saturated with garlic formula. im back now and yesterday bought a quarentine tank set it up. my question is how long before i cant put the blue hippo into this tank and does with copper. the main tank which it is in is a 150 gal reef. ur thoughts on the quarentine tank would b grately appreciated.


Active Member
any fish in the tank besides the hippo? to completely eradicate ick, the tank needs to be fishless for at least 6 weeks.


Rearrange your rockwork if you have to. If there is more than one fish in the tank, your QT is useless for just the hippo, because the ich will still be present in your DT. Basically, you'll treat your hippo and then dump him right back into a contamintaed environment.
If one fish has ich, ALL the fish have ich.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/380179/need-help-fast#post_3308593
Rearrange your rockwork if you have to. If there is more than one fish in the tank, your QT is useless for just the hippo, because the ich will still be present in your DT. Basically, you'll treat your hippo and then dump him right back into a contamintaed environment.
If one fish has ich, ALL the fish have ich.


I do know and understand what ur saying and known of the fish including the hippo r in the qt tank I can not get thm.


Originally Posted by ppanthrah75 http:///forum/thread/380179/need-help-fast#post_3308612
I do know and understand what ur saying and known of the fish including the hippo r in the qt tank I can not get thm.
This is why I'm saying to rearrange your rockwork to catch them.
It's not impossible to catch a fish, but it can be difficult.
I suggest that for the next few feedings, keep a fish net in the tank. Fish aren't that smart, they'll start to associate your presence and the presence of the net with food and then it's usually easier to catch them. For future reference, try to train all your fish to eat from your hand, this makes it sooooooo much easier when you need to catch them.


well just got home now my perc and goby have the ich only had my qt tank running 3 days with two small damsels its a 30 gal tomorrow morning i have to take rock out of dt and catch a blue hippo panther grouper a damsel a false perc a chalk bassalet and jewel goby and put in qt wish me luck


Originally Posted by ppanthrah75 http:///forum/thread/380179/need-help-fast#post_3308693
well just got home now my perc and goby have the ich only had my qt tank running 3 days with two small damsels its a 30 gal tomorrow morning i have to take rock out of dt and catch a blue hippo panther grouper a damsel a false perc a chalk bassalet and jewel goby and put in qt wish me luck
putting all of those fish in a 30g at once is a recipe for disaster, especially in a tank that is only 3 days old.
my suggestion if you have that many fish would be to take out you corals and inverts, put them in the qt, and run hypo in the main tank, OR a reef safe medication, but i would take the corals and inverts out for good measure.


what if a go buy one of thoose long rubbermaid container bins put the water from main tank in and fish then do the hypo i figure i could get one that hold 50 gallons?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ppanthrah75 http:///forum/thread/380179/need-help-fast#post_3308710
what if a go buy one of thoose long rubbermaid container bins put the water from main tank in and fish then do the hypo i figure i could get one that hold 50 gallons?

I have been tagging along….It's still an uncycled tank, but bigger is be very watchful of an ammonia spike and be ready with water changes. What a nightmare, I wish you all the best. Those ich meds don't work..follow Beth's instructions for hypo carefully.


ok first all id like to thank u guys for the input. ok so after 2 hours of taking out live rock and finally catching all the fish there now in the 54 gallon long container and i dropped the salinity just alittle. just out of curiosity should i use a drip line to transfer the freshwater and take out water in qt tank as needed?


Originally Posted by ppanthrah75 http:///forum/thread/380179/need-help-fast#post_3308800
ok first all id like to thank u guys for the input. ok so after 2 hours of taking out live rock and finally catching all the fish there now in the 54 gallon long container and i dropped the salinity just alittle. just out of curiosity should i use a drip line to transfer the freshwater and take out water in qt tank as needed?
I usually just do 20% water changes every other day to drop salinity when doing hypo. Everyone has their own method. Interestingly enough, fish can be dropped right into hypo (although I wouldn't recommend unless you have a fish COVERED in ich and it's in the gills), it's coming back out that you really need to be careful as to how quickly you raise the salinity.
Keep in mind that your DT needs to stay fishless for AT LEAST 6 weeks. If all or most of your fish have ich, I would leave the DT fishless for a full 8 weeks.
Good luck :)


thank you yah im going to take ur advice about the dt right now in the qt i have a heater and power head should i use a filter and is so what kind of media should i use?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ppanthrah75 http:///forum/thread/380179/need-help-fast#post_3308822
thank you yah im going to take ur advice about the dt right now in the qt i have a heater and power head should i use a filter and is so what kind of media should i use?

Treat it just like a regular fish tank, so yes use a filter, 8 weeks is a long tme. I’m not sure on what media to use and watch ammonia
, that's your biggest concern. Have good new saltwater on hand for emergency water changes the whole time. When I had a tank crash I kept one of those ammonia badges in the tank to help me keep an eye on things. It does not replace a good test, but it will give you a heads up if ammonia is rising so you can do a water change as soon as you see any the level of SG in the new mix to match your level of hypo.