Need Help Fragging Hammer


Ok I've got a wall hammer with receding tissue. The left side looks horrible. I can see exposed skeleton ad what flesh is left does not extend fully. The right side however, looks perfectly healthy. I'd like to salvage what I can from this coral and cut it in half.
First of all, is this a good idea? Will getting rid of the dying parts save the healthy part? Or should I leave it alone? I'm concerned because algare is starting to grow where there are exposed parts.
If this is the right course of action, how should I do it? It has a very thick base. Roughly 2-3 inches across. I do not have a dremel. Can I use a drill instead? My plan would be to drill three holes down the middle and then hope for a clean break.
I have Lugol's solution so I plan to dip the coral in it after the fragging. Should I also use glue to seal up the exposed areas? How exactly is this done? Will it hurt the coral if glue gets on the actual flesh?
I have a million more questions but this is running long and I don't want to bore anyone who could potentially help me so I'll shut up for now. Thanks for the help