need help from a Panther Grouper expert!


Hello. How large can a Panther Grouper grow to be? Also, how long will it take for it to grow very large? What do they prefer for food? Please get back to me someone! Thanks!
Hiu, this belongs in the aggressive forum, but i'm not sure how big they get but it's big, they grow large fast but if you have a large tank they wont grow as fast, if you have a smaller tank it will grow a lot faster.They prefer only meat, feed frozen mysis, brine, silverslides, etc. Also, you can feed them live occasionaly.I have a panther grouper that will only eat meaty foods, he never eats flake.


Staff member
In the days when I didn't know any better, I had a panther in a 20gal tall. Had him for 2 yrs, and he didn't grow much, though he did get fatter. I fed him live food 1x week, which he loved, in addition to the regular fronzen.
Not that I'd recommend placing this fish in a small tank like I did!
[ June 26, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]


Very cool looking fish but a mean one... I saw one at the LFS eat a gramma (or dottyback, couldn't tell, it went in head first) that was almost as big as the grouper. Half the victim was hanging out of the grouper because he couldn't fit any more in. I've never seen anything like it.


I used to have a trumpetfish, who was pretty small I planned on raising him in my semi-reef tank since I didnt have any snails,crabs,etc.. he ate real well had him for awhile, so I introduced a Dragon wrasse larger then him, and he bolted over to the corner where the wrasse was and opened his mouth the size of my fist, and ate him. Stupidity on my part I guess, but I never thought in a million years he would eat him, then a few months later I was looking through a magazine and saw a picture of one in the wild scarfing down a gigantic squirrelfish.


panthers are great. I had one in my aggressive set up and he would let me pet him on his side. I would put my finger in the water and he would come upm and let me pet him. He had a great personality.
They do get large and quick and they love to eat. meat meat meat, but mine would also take frozen formula 1 and 2 no problem.
My grouper was about 2 1/2 inches when I bought him and 8 1/2 to 9 inches when I gave him to a freind to put him in a bigger tank. A lot of people buy the panther when they are babies about 2 inches and think they are so cute and the lfs personnel fail to mention that this cute little fish will grow fast and eat almost anything in their tanks. I seen more than once.