Hey guys ! Hope all is well ! I just picked up a Golden Puffer about 6 in long last night. I have a problem with him, and I am very worried. As I was taking him home, he was jumping up a lot in the bag, when I was ready to float him he stopped, but was breathing very heavy. After about a 2 hour process of adding a cup of water every 15 mins, I introduce him into the tank and he went straight to the bottom, and continue to breath heavy.This was about 12:30 am. After about an hour he started to move around pacing back and forth. Then 15 mins later, he went into the same spot when entered the tank and started to breath heavy. So I guess he was in shock, so I went to bed. So this morning before I left the house he was still at the same spot and still breathing heavy, and this was about 7:30 am. So my question is-? Is he still in shock,after 7 hours-? I don't want to lose this guy,especially after spending $ 195, and he is the most gorgeous fish I ever seen. I did check my water readings the previous night, and everything was fine except my nitrates were at 20ppm. By the way, my tank is a 175. What should I do guys-? I am so nervous. I hope he is doing ok. I won't be home until 7:30 tonight. Anyhelp would be great, thanks !