need help! gotta move my aquarium

I have to move my aquarium out by about 5 inches so that my protein skimmer will fit behind it. I have a 55gal with 50lbs of lr and 4 fish (yellow tang, lion, and 2 damsels) Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to do this?


Push it? What type of stand is the tank sitting on? What type of flooring is the stand sitting on (carpet, wood, tile)? I think even on carpet you could nudge a tank/stand back and forth for 5 inches.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by cajundolphin
I have to move my aquarium out by about 5 inches so that my protein skimmer will fit behind it. I have a 55gal with 50lbs of lr and 4 fish (yellow tang, lion, and 2 damsels) Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to do this?
Put a sump under tank or break down tank and move it. Its a pain ,i know i moved mine for the same reason and then i ended up with a sump/fuge in the end.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rudedog40
Push it? What type of stand is the tank sitting on? What type of flooring is the stand sitting on (carpet, wood, tile)? I think even on carpet you could nudge a tank/stand back and forth for 5 inches.

goodness no. you're looking at a topple over situation.
OP needs to break down the whole setup, then remove the tank, move the stand, make sure it is level (before putting the tank back on), put the tank back on, then resetup the whole tank.


Why do you think i waited until my protein skimmer was in my possesion, mounted to the back of the tank before finally filling it with water? A fishtank is an immovable piece of furniture.
i have drained about half of the tank into trash cans and some into an icechest with my fish....i put some of the lr into the trash i have to remove all of the lr and water before i move it

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by cajundolphin
i have drained about half of the tank into trash cans and some into an icechest with my fish....i put some of the lr into the trash i have to remove all of the lr and water before i move it
When i moved mine i took out as much of the water as i could and enough LR so that it wouldn't topple over and make a hole in my DT.I also moved my 75g on the stand,i don't know if that was a good idea or not but i did manage to do it by myself about a 1/2" at a time.
Good Luck.


Active Member
sry, but if you don't remove all the water, rock, and sand, you run the risk of messing up your silicone seals on your tank. what's a few more minutes vs having 55 gallons of water on your floor when you're not home?
if i take out the sand.....when i put it back in and fill back up with water then my tank will be very cloudy and nasty....wont that kill my fish?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
sry, but if you don't remove all the water, rock, and sand, you run the risk of messing up your silicone seals on your tank. what's a few more minutes vs having 55 gallons of water on your floor when you're not home?
Yeah i have to agree with ya on that.I cant imagine racking tank or stand can be good for it.If i could have done it all over again, i think i would have slowed down and thought my whole process through.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cajundolphin
if i take out the sand.....when i put it back in and fill back up with water then my tank will be very cloudy and nasty....wont that kill my fish?
I would think depending on the amount of sand you could safely move your tank 5 inches without removing the sand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cajundolphin
if i take out the sand.....when i put it back in and fill back up with water then my tank will be very cloudy and nasty....wont that kill my fish?
depends on how you put the sand back in. there will be some cloudiness no matter what, but they should survive ok. lfs near me just removed all their live rock and suspended all their detritus in a 300gal display. fish stayed in the tank--couple huge tangs, clowns, and other show fish--with no problems
you could leave the fish in the cooler for a couple days as well btw. just put some live rock, a powerhead, and a heater in it :)
ok i finished!!! Just got everything back in and the water does look somewhat cloudy with lots of small bubbles...especially coming from my skimmer into my tank. I sure hope my fish do not die.