NEED HELP ICK tank wipeout


I noticed three days ago that my 1 year old hippo tang had ick and one clarkii clown fish. I added stress coat, turned lights off, and did a 25% water change 75 gal tank. Now today the hippo tang is totally white, three clown fish covered, foxface covered and small naso tang has some white spots. I run my uv sterilzer 24hours 7 days a week, tried vitamin C, and feed them flakes with garlic. What else can I try? Please help!!!!!


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The only reliable treatments for ich are hyposalinity and copper. Hyposalinity is the preferred treatment as it puts the fish under much less stress. Check out the basic FAQ sticky at the top of this forum for a more complete writeup.
UV sterilizers may help to prevent a disease from getting established but will not treat an outbreak of ich.
Garlic can help the fish's immunity so they are more likely to survive an illness (or less likely to get one). It has little efficacy in this situation however.
StressCoat is most effective only for open wounds. It will have little effect here.
I am unaware of any benefits associated with turning off the lights or from vitamin C. (There are very few doctors who even advocate extra doses of this for humans anymore).