need help identifing


Can anyone tell me what these little tiny things are on my glass? They seemed to move the other night when i ran my magnet cleaner over them. They are all over my LR and glass. Should i be concerned about them and if so what steps need to be taken to get rid of them. Thanks for any advice.


Active Member
They are flatworms.They can be a real pain to get rid of.
Some people say sixline wrasses will eat them.There is a product called flatworm exit,that is effective when used properly.You must be ready to do a water change when using FW exit!The problem with flatworms,is their toxic properties.When they die they release this toxin,which can affect everything in your tank,even kill.
I prefer the natural eradication method,using velvet nudibranchs.Their sole diet is FW's though,and once they are gone,you need to find a hobbyist who also has this problem to pass them onto,or they will starve.They are pretty ravenous,and will make short work of a bunch of FW's,so only get one or two.They can also be syphoned out...which helps but will not remove all of them.


Yep you have the red dreded flatworm. Before you get any nudibranches you must protect any overflows, powerheads, heaters, because they will find a way to die if at all possible, aside from starving to death.