need help identifying this


Thanks ViPeR. is there any thing special i need to do for it? :notsure:
Here is a little bit about the tank its in:
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate less than 0.5
Specific Gravity 1.025
Temp 80
Lighting is 1X 250 MH and 2X36 PC on a 50 gallon tank
About 80 pounds of LR
And a Coralife super skimmer


Active Member
I don't believe anybody has found out and proven why these corals do not do well in captivity. The specs you posted are great, and also watch the cal and ALK.


Active Member
It looks healthy so maybe you can beat the statistics!! You need to be careful acclimating it to the MHs... it should do well under MHs after it's acclimated.
Make sure it does not fall or anything falls on it... damaging the tissue of any LPS coral can be fatal.
Good luck...


Definately put it down in the sand they like murky water like sumps. I think the reason they dont do well is because the tanks water is so clean. Skimmers take away the stuff that elegance loves. I have wanted to try one myself but havent because of the track record. Good luck though it sure is pretty, Carrie


I have one on the way so ill keep ya posted on how it does. It is a Green one with Blue tips. It is Over 8 Inches and i got a REAL nice price on it Email me at if you want to see it and talk about a trade =-) The pic is to large for this website!!!


Keep it away from other corals, as it will sting the hell out of them.
They have sweepers that extend very far.