Need help identifying



When I bought my 75 (from CL), I was less concerned with what kind they were but moreso that they worked, which they do (FOWLR) reef.
Someone recently wanted to see a picture and asked me what kind of lighting and possibly wants to buy it. I cannot give him accurate info, so I thought I'd ask some experts. Lighting fixture is long and heavy, with huge ballasts, please see pictures. Unit has no markings on it whatsoever to give me any clue.
When I purchased it, the guy mentioned that it cost him over $800 - though not sure how true that is.



Active Member
Not sure what about it cost 800 bucks. It looks like a DIY PC lightning set up. Great for FOWLR but would be weak for most corals except maybe some shrooms. Maybe it had halides in it at one time or there is something I'm not seeing. But for PC lighting it just seems really big and bulky.