Need Help Immediately !!!!!!!


I have a 125 gallon reef ready with two drains. Currently I have them hooked to a 35" wet/dry sump and two 1200 gph return pumps. I purchased and installed a CPR 31" refugium under the tank next to the wet/dry. I moved one drain hose to the refugium and one 1200 gph return pump. The problem is the pump emptys the water from the last chamber quick than it fills, emptying the chamber. I took a 1000 gph pump off an extra skimmer I have and it also empties it too quick. I need advice from anyone who has a refugium about what size pumps they use before I have to buy one of every size to figure this out. I would like to have this up and running immediately because I unhooked two canisters to put the refugium there and have a very heavy stock load. Please Help !!!!!


Find out what your overflow's rate of flow is in GPH... take a gallon milk jug/5 gallon water bucket and time with a stopwatch how long it takes to fill up... Then do the math and get a pump with a gph closest to that number. Or, you can always control the output of your return pump with a PVC ball valve, that won't hurt the pump in any way and you can manually control your flow rate.. Hope this helps!!!
-Josh P


Originally Posted by errattiq
Find out what your overflow's rate of flow is in GPH...
-Josh P
This won't work because its predrilled but I appreciate the idea. but both of the response came up with bio valve ! wow what a simple solution but yet I would of never come up with that. Thanks. I'm going to go to home depot and find one tommorow. thanks. I'll post how it ends up.