need help mounting lights

soo i just got done after 20 minutes of cutting a pvc pipe into 2 9inch pieces. I did this with nothing but a hammer and a butter knife. Yes im in college so i dont have a saw so i improvised, needless to say im glad im done. I got this might putty stuff (a knockoff) think it would be a bad idea to put it on the lights and then onto the pvc pipe? the idea is to lay the 2 pieces across the tank and then attach the lights to the pvc pipe using the putty. any suggestions? Im afraid the putty might melt or something


Active Member
You would be better off using a couple s c r e w s to secure it to the pvc....But seeing what you had to do to cut the pvc...... Im not sure you have a screwdriver.
i do but i dunno if i could s c r e w the lights onto the pvc, theres place on the lights for a s c r e w to go, and i do have a s c r e w driver and a little tool kit just nothing in there to cut pvc lol butter knife + hammer ftw


Active Member
Best bet is to drill a hole into the pvc, run a machine s c r e w through the pvc pipe..put a nut and washer on the other end. Of course you probably dont have a drill or drill bits...
Somebody has to have some tools close by....
heres some pictures, im really nervous about this because im not sure how warm the lights will get and how it will effect the piece of putty that holds the light onto the pvc.
would love some peoples input on what to do differently to be more secure


left side

right side
let me know what you think, im not too happy with my tank at the moment, im getting a bunch of micro bubbles from my return on my filter and its putting out too much power and blowing my sand into a little ridge, want to get a new one but i dont have the cash
Originally Posted by ifirefight
Best bet is to drill a hole into the pvc, run a machine s c r e w through the pvc pipe..put a nut and washer on the other end. Of course you probably dont have a drill or drill bits...
Somebody has to have some tools close by....

not on campus i dont think, they are kinda strict about what we can have in the dorms, i think a guy i skate with might have one ill ask him. how do i connect the lights to the pvc once i put the s c r e w through?


Active Member
AHHH, I see what you mean now. I was under the impression you were going to HANG the light UNDER a pvc pipe above the tank,not rest it ON the pvc...OK.. best thing is to buy some light weight chain...(not expensive) at home depot or lowes.. secure it to the celining and hang that light like you would a pendant light. Simple,effective, much safer, and should not cost much. Dont worry about the holes in the dorm celing...when you leave,just fill them in with spackle...if you dont have that...colegate toothpaste will work just fine.
lol its a good idea i thought of that before. How do i go about attatching the chain to the lights, theres no where for it. The lights are meant to be put on top of aquarium glass which i dont have. So if you know a site where i can get none hinged clear glass covers for a 16 inch tank feel free to let me know either that or a way to hang the chains on the light because id love to hang them


Active Member
If there is NO way to attach the chain to the light...then WRAP the chain around it like a lasso...then hang from the celing.
hmm sounds good, im going to try and find a piece of glass i can use because id much rather use that over buying like a good 16 feet of chain (gunna do 4, 4 feet chains to hang)