Hello Ya'll, Well I finally bought a house so I'll be moving my 2 tanks next month. Problem is they have been set up in the same place for years. I have a 55 and 125 FOWLR. The 55 has a 12" Voliton lion fish and a spiny box puffer and the 125 has a 10" diameter cali stingray and a large porc. puffer. What would be the easiest way to move all this with out losing all my animals? I cant combine the two tanks because of the stingray with the lion and spiny box, so each tank is going to have to be moved seperate. The 125 gallon has over 200lbs of sand in it with about 80lbs of rock! If I take the sand out and put it in buckets can I use it again? I have enough 5 gallon bottles for about 60 gallons of water, so the 55 Im not worried about. Do ya'll think I can keep 60 gallons from the 125 and make all new water for the rest, which includding the sump will be like 90 gallons. Sorry for all the questions, I've never moved my tanks.