Need help on corals..


New Member
My tank is 90gal with approx 4-5in live sand bed, plenty of live rock and fish that are thriving. I have both actinic and a large metal halide for lighting. I am consistant on my water changes (10% weekly). The problem is I can't seem to keep any corals. I was thinking of investing in an ro-di unit as I do not currently use one. Is this a good idea, or should I be addressing another need first to solve this problem????

chris l

I as well as many others use RO/DI and love it. I used to use tap water and couldn't keep things alive. Now everything looks and acts great. Where is Pa are you from?


Chris L and Tlok,
I'll jump on the Pa band-wagon. I'm from the southeastern corner. Either of you nearby and if so, have you found any good coral sources? I have some coral now ......always looking for more and can't find local sources.
Tlok.....what has happened when you try to keep coral? Does the coral look like it's whithering away? What kind of fish do you have; ie. could one of them be eating the coral?

chris l

Jim, I live in Selinsgrove.......about an hour north of Harrisburg. LFS's around here suck. I have to travel to Lancaster (That Pet Place) to find any selection of coral. Only problem with them is they have a pretty large selection but health wise it doesn't always look good. I have heard of one in the Carlisle area but have not been there yet.


I've heard alot about That Pet Place but it's 1 and 1/2 hours or so for me so I just haven't made time to get there yet. I've had some luck at a place in Philadelphia called "The Hidden Reef" but it's pretty pricey, often very crowded, and an hour away from my home.
I've purchased fish and inverts on-line with good luck but can't persuade myself that it's a good idea for corals. I may have to just "get over it" and give it a try........

chris l

It takes me about 1 1/2 hrs. to get there also. I have bought coral online and haven't had any problems.


New Member
Thanks for the RO advice, I believe I'll be purchasing one this weekend. In ref to the corals, they do just seem to kind of wither away and go limp?? I also make a lot of trips to That Fish Place, there selection is large. I have one local store in my area which has good quality, just not much quantity.