Active Member
I really need some help about my sand bed. I know I already have a couple of posts about this but no one is really responding. Maybe because of the holidays who knows.
29 gallon
I currently have
10 Cerith Snail (this is what I think they are)
5 turbo snails
13 hermits (blue, scarlet, zebra)
Fish I have
2 clowns
2 firefish
1 tail spot blenny
I did purchase a sand star on Saturday, but I think it is dead. When I got home on Saturday with it 2 of it's legs had fallen off. So I am not sure if it is living or not.
I need something more for the sand. I have moved the powerheads around and I still need something I think.
I was thinking a serpents star or a cucumber or maybe a horseshoe crab. Really I need some input. What is goo to get? :help: Should I get a fish for the sand? My blenny stays on the rocks he doesn't go to the sand at all. My firefish swim mid tank and my clowns at the top.
Maybe a LMB or some sort of goby for the sand???
29 gallon
I currently have
10 Cerith Snail (this is what I think they are)
5 turbo snails
13 hermits (blue, scarlet, zebra)
Fish I have
2 clowns
2 firefish
1 tail spot blenny
I did purchase a sand star on Saturday, but I think it is dead. When I got home on Saturday with it 2 of it's legs had fallen off. So I am not sure if it is living or not.
I need something more for the sand. I have moved the powerheads around and I still need something I think.
I was thinking a serpents star or a cucumber or maybe a horseshoe crab. Really I need some input. What is goo to get? :help: Should I get a fish for the sand? My blenny stays on the rocks he doesn't go to the sand at all. My firefish swim mid tank and my clowns at the top.
Maybe a LMB or some sort of goby for the sand???