need help please!


ok so i need help i have a bio cube 14 gal and just put a powerhead in it and added a clown but at night it seems like to muck current so i unplug it is that bad to not have a constate current b/c i was thinking about putting it on a timer to shut off with the lights please help


First thing to pop in my head large ie. GPH and placement in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by biotank14
ok so i need help i have a bio cube 14 gal and just put a powerhead in it and added a clown but at night it seems like to muck current so i unplug it is that bad to not have a constate current b/c i was thinking about putting it on a timer to shut off with the lights please help
What size powerhead do you have in that 14gal? I've not heard of anyone needing to turn their powerheads off with a timer. If it's a matter of your clown getting used to the current in the tank, as long as you have some places where the current is a little less, they'll figure it out and adapt to the new environment.


its like a 180-200gph but it just seemed like to much at night b/c in the day it swims every with no problem but at night it stays in one spot trying to sleep ... idont know just asking


^Yep, the clowns are resting, I don't have any anemones and mine curl up on the rock for a snooze.