Need help please


New Member
I just bought a grouper to add to my tank. After i put him in after about 15 min the lionfish keeps trying to eat him. I fed all my fish before i put the grouper in and dont know why he keeps going at him. I have the lionfish, a dragon wrasse, a damsel, and a snowflake eel. why would he be goin at him like this? should i put the grouper in my QT? Here is a pic of the grouper not sure exactly what he is. cant find a pic exactly like him. i dont think its the blue spotted Grouper bc his spots are only white and have no blue. Hes about 4inch and the lion fish is about the same size.


Is the lion actually trying to eat him or is just showing aggresion. I kinda doubt that the lion is trying to eat a fish of the same size. If it is just aggresion twoards a new tankmate you could partition the tank with the grouper on one side and the rest of the fish on the other. Let them becaome acustome to each other by seeing and smelling each other but not attacking. Use some plexiglas or eggcrate. If you use pleiglass make sure to drill some holes in it for flow.


Active Member
A 55 is WAY too small for any grown grouper. What kind of lion do you have? Lions are predators and will eat any fish they can, I'd bet your damsel is gone soon.Feeding them does not stop their instincts. Lions grow very quickly and larger species (Volitans, etc) will quickly outgrow your tank, eating other fish as they grow. Same for your dragon wrasse. IMO, your fish mix is really not appropriate for a 55 gal tank and you can expect some real problems as fish grow.