need help please!!!


New Member
I have a 72 gallon bowfront tank with two tangs in it, a blue and a kole at first they were really shy but now they are starting to come out of the rocks more and more they have gotten along really well when i watch them but i think that they fight at night because both have scratches on them, my lfs said just give them time because they are still eating well and are active what do you guys think? also do any of you have a lunare wrasse or a bird wrasse and can share info with me thank you


Active Member
Do you ever see them scratching on the rocks? Do you see spots of any kind on them. typically scratching would be a sign of an external parasite (very common in tangs). If they were fighting I would think you would see more like fins being nipped.
I cannot help on the wrasses I don't know very much about them. They can be aggressive and get very large, especially the lunare.