Need help raising my lighting. Temp at 85!


Other than a canopy which I don't think I want to do what can I do to raise my lighting? I have the ceiling kit that you can hang the light from but that is going to be tough because of my tank placement. Are there longer mounting legs or something I can buy or make to raise the light from the top of the tank? I have an Outer Orbit MH fixture. Its gorgeous but its a monster. My temp is raising and I can hardly get into the tank.


they make leggs for it. I assume that you have it right on top of you tank now? The legs are cheap and will give it a clean look as well.


Originally Posted by earlybird
There's got to be a way to hang the lights. What's up with your "placement?"

1. I could do a ceiling mount but with the lights being that high the average person standing there or sitting on my couch is going to get blinded by two MH lights on. Unfortunately the tank is in my living room next to my LCD TV. The lights too high would be bad.
2. I could do a canopy I guess. What does the average canopy raise the height of the lights approximately??? Is that enough to not effect temp.
3. I never really wanted the MH lights. I like the shimmer but not priority. I am use to Compact Flourescents. I also do not like that the lights on the tank cover the entire top of the tank itself. I know if I went back to CF lights the fixture would be have the size. Despite difference in light would I get the same heating problem with CF of that size? Keep in mind I am only keeping few corals


Active Member
u can buy a chiller if u wanna spend the money but the legs are cheaper and easier to hook up..or move the tank where it wouldn't bother ur view of ur lcd and hang the light from the ceiling.


Active Member
put a fan on your sump. lowered the temp of my tank almost 2 deg.
if yo wanted to get rid of the light, get a t-5 system. some of the larger units have 16 bulbs in them. you'll still be able to keep whatever you want.


It would be cheaper to buy a chiller it seems.
I just put a chiller on my system and it was one of the best moves I ever made.