Need help reducing pic size.


Someone has to know this simple question. How do I reduce the Bytes so I can post a pic. All my pics that come out are about 120,000 bytes and you can only have 102,400 to post here. I tried to reduce the pic size on the camera but that did nothing. Thanks for any input.


Active Member
Is there an option on your camera to adjust size/resolution of the pictures it takes? If so, that's might work, and should be fairly easy. Set it so it takes pics of average to good qality at 800x600 in jpg or jpeg format (not TIFF). Not sure if that will get them below 100,000 or not, but it's an easy thing to try as a first step.
Another option (and probably the best option) is to take pictures like you normally do, but resize them using graphics editing software. Adobe Photoshop is one of the best ones available, but it's pretty expensive and not terribly intuitive to leard. JASC PaintShop is pretty good, and easier to use.
Or you can e-mail it to slothy ;)


Thanks guys
All I had to do is reduce the quality from FINE to NORMAL.
I knew it would be easy.