Need help stocking New Tank


New Member
I'm starting a new 55 gallon tank and have no idea what to stock it with that's easy to maintain for a begginer. I'm looking to have a colorful tank with reef and fish but i know that might have to come later. Can anyone help give me ideas on what to buy first once my aquarium is set up. Thanks i would appreciate any help.


Active Member
Coral- Mushrooms, soft corals are easy to maintain.
It is really dependent on your light setup.
There are lots of hardy fish- Chromis, Damsels, clowns


If you're JUST starting, start off slow. I've been going for 8 months, and still have avoided corals and anenomes because i've been battling high nitrates (i'm looking into building a sump / fuge to help)
Definitely start the tank off with some live sand and live rock and let it run through for a while through until the ammonia spikes and nitrites drop to 0.
To start off with, get a cleaner crew. For my 29 gallon, i have about a dozen blueleg hermits, some snails, and a cleaner shrimp. Then shrimp is really cool, he'll clean off your finger if you put it in the tank. With a 55, you can probably get more snails and hermits, i've heard some people say getting a pair of cleaner shrimp is the way to go but i'm sticking to one with my smaller tank.
Then i'd say start off with fish and stuff. I have a clown, yellow tang, and a few others and they're nice and happy. I also have a choco-chip star and a sea urchin that cruise my tank and glass.
Even without coral i still think my tank is pretty cool
I'd say get some experience with some basic fish and inverts before you start looking into corals and other stuff, they require special lighting and very very low nitrates, something i haven't been able to accomplish yet.


New Member
Thanks for the info.. I have another question what kind of lighting do i need?..the aquarium i have has two overhead lights with regular bulbs. I know that's not what i need and reading into what lights to get is kinda confusing to me as a novice. any suggestions on what lights to get that will pretty much work for anything? brand names would help alot too..I really appreciate the help guys


Active Member
I would recomend metal halides. They are the most powerful type of light, but will raise the temp of your tank, so you must have a tall canopy for them or pendants. Vho (very high output) is also a good way to go, and you can keep lots of corals under this. They dont get near as hot, and are cheaper. Search for the Ice Cap ballast. Its the best ballast for vhos.


Active Member
what Ross suggested will run you anywhere from $400 to $1200 dollars depending on the unit type and what type you buy and who you buy it from. But if you dont want any walls in the way of buying stuff metal halides are the best. You can get them off a popular auction site for around $350 for duel lights plus antinics.