Originally Posted by PerfectDark
There are a number of things you may see while it acclimates to its new surroundings. IMO you are correct and the signs of stress or illness are important to recognize. Although they dont require regular feedings there are better foods to supplement them with. Silversides, clam, small pieces of shrimp basically anything raw and fish will be better for your anemone.
Good to know, Thanks. Unfortunately it's all the local chain pet store had as they don't even have saltwater. My anemone was a hitchhiker on some LR i bought off a guy neither of us even saw it till after I put it in my tank. I was told by someone at said chain pet store that they have a condy and that feeding them 2 maby 3 times a week promotes good growth. Also I was worried that my lights might be a tad weak for it but i have been reassured otherwise. (I have 2x65 one 50/50 one blue) I was also told this will support a bta that i am hoping will be hosted by my future clowns. (No i am not putting either of them in with the condy just so you know heh) Again no expert so if i am wrong please correct me. I am just going by reading and what people who may or may not have a clue what they are talking about tell me.
P.S. my LFS is an hour drive away so it isn't always possible to make it on short notice. Thats why i had to go to the chain store.